Graveyard keeper river sand
Graveyard keeper river sand

graveyard keeper river sand

Speaking of experience, one thing I'll say that I really like about the game is the skill and perk system. There's also a vineyard to grow grapes and hops for wine and beer, a quarry to mine stone and marble, an apiary to gather honey and beeswax, there's alchemy, fishing, cooking, a dungeon, sermons, this game will keep your ass busy every day in the game one way or another whether it means to go and visit an NCP that comes on a specific day, harvest your fully grown crops, prepare for your weekly sermon, gather materials for your next future projects, and so on.īut all of this requires energy, to which you can easily run out but you can regain that energy by eating cooked food but this process can only last until you need to sleep for without going to sleep for days will give you a debuff where you'll spend more energy, not to mention that sleeping is your way of saving the game so yeah go to bed more often, they don't have to tell me twice why should I tell you twice? And you can make a good list of food some with their own effects and bonuses, some food gives more energy than others but others can come with perks such as gaining more energy when you sleep meaning you'll just take a quick nap, making other foods do more better when consumed, or gain experience more better. There are other tasks that you can do throughout the day, such as managing your own crops to grow wheat, pumpkins, lettuce, onions and that dank ass cush to which unfortunately you can't smoke it. The other and more simpler way is to simply burn the body by cremating it where it will not effect your graveyard rating and is much more faster in removing corpses that you left out for a long time as they can rot.Įither way you can receive a certificate showing that you done your job to which you can sell it for some money. Depending on the quality of the body and grave your graveyard gets an increased rating which a high rating is needed to further improve your grave and church. Once you get the body parts that you need, you can then do two things to them either take their bodies to the graveyard and bury them which requires you to dig a hole for them and bury them, place a gravestone and fencing on that grave and you're done. The first thing you'd want to do is to harvest body parts from said corpse and before you ask, yes even their flesh the townspeople are fucking cannibals but not really, what they don't know wont hurt them. Essentially you are given a graveyard to look over and are given corpses to dispose of as you wish to which the game can give you a few things you can do with just one corpse. So what do you do in this game, simple you keep to a graveyard.that's the simplistic answer. You will be helping the people of the town through various tasks, each tasks getting you a step closer in figuring out a way to gather what you need and find your way back to your own time. So essentially with the aid of a talking skull, you are tasked to find your way back home and the only way to do that is to help the towns people and tend to the graveyard as your new identity seeing as how everyone in town mistakes you as the new graveyard keeper. Man, don't you just hate it when that happens, you're just walking down the street minding your own business and all of a sudden you find yourself in the fucking 1940's! I know I have, one time I was sent to the 1750's and for some reason there was an orangutan there.

graveyard keeper river sand graveyard keeper river sand graveyard keeper river sand

So you play as a guy.lets call him Greg, you were heading through town on your way to see your family until you get hit by a car, only to be met with a figure with a red eye who tells you some cryptic shit only to them wake up in medieval times, the age where every flat-earther wished to be in. So what's the story behind Graveyard Keeper, well if you seen any anime that involves a guy being suddenly transported to another world, timespace, or dimension, then you pretty much know the story of Graveyard Keeper.

Graveyard keeper river sand free#

I will warn everyone here that Graveyard Keeper is absolutely addicting, possibly dangerously so because I've been playing this game twenty four seven non-stop and just when I try to go and play something else like my recently bought ESO Elsweyr expansion or Darksider 3's Crucible or even the new Borderlands 2 free DLC that just released, the grave just keeps calling me back. I've been spending quite some time with a game that I found called "Graveyard Keeper", a game by appearance look quite similar to another game that I tend to enjoy "Stardew Valley" but surprisingly they're made from two different developers but you can tell that Graveyard Keeper takes some inspirations from Stardew Valley.

Graveyard keeper river sand